DJN is seeking (2) Care Pod Collaborators! (Applications Now Closed)

In the DJN, our roots include a commitment to care, disability justice, and healing justice, stemming from our origins in the Allied Media Projects Network; these frameworks have informed us since our beginnings. As builders and experimenters, the Care Pod Collaborators will be integral in collaboratively dreaming and designing liberatory cultures of care with design justice practitioners.

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DJN Member Feature: Susana Beltrán-Grimm

This month we are featuring member Susana Beltrán-Grimm. Susana Beltrán-Grimm is a postdoctoral research associate in the Human Development and Family Studies at Purdue University. Susana holds an Ed.D. in education and learning technologies from Pepperdine University. Her program of research and practice includes the study of community-based research through participatory methods like co-design approaches to produce equitable learning environments for Latine families and children.

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Update: Shaping Your Node and Working Group Experience

The Design Justice Network has been growing and shifting in so many amazing ways! One important part of how we do that is gathering and actioning feedback from our DJN members and folx in our Nodes and Working Groups!

This past weekend, node and working groups members participated in ongoing "Shape your node and working group experience" sessions to gather ideas, feedback and dreams in order to ensure their voices are centered in the Node and Working Group experience of the network, all rooted in a sense of abundance, possibility, and joy!

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DJN Pause! (August 27- September 11, 2022)

August 27- September 11, 2022, our Steering Committee team and staff will begin the second (and third) of our 2022 DJN network seasonal pauses. We had intended to make these quarterly and realized we were a bit late this year. Also with a new Steering Committee team, we’re reflecting on our ideas of a Pause- and recognizing international differences, by ending the summer term with a two-week pause for our staff, and an August-long pause for our Steering Committee members.

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DJN Member Feature: Mina Kouvara

This month we are featuring member Mina Kouvara. Mina is currently a Junior Research Fellow at the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia, where she is also pursuing a PhD as a core member of the 'Cosmolocalism' research group. Her thesis explores sustainability in the context of an alternative mode of production and technology development based on the commons. She focuses on vernacular, grassroots and non-western perspectives. Mina’s background is in architecture, and she holds a MSc in Environment and Development of Mountain Regions from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. She is a founding and former core member of an NGO which conducts research on traditional building techniques, and the co-creator of the art initiative 'Quokka'. Mina is affiliated with the research collective P2P Lab.

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Network Growth: Staff Restructuring 2022

Staff Restructuring: A formal restructuring of staff positions began shortly before our retreat. We created a staff proposal and this proposal was supported and taken through rounds of refinement with Victoria and the SC. Here are some of the things that the proposal aimed to do:

  • Capture a true scope of our work through formatting: How do emergent needs impact our weekly goals, work expectations, and our ability to work to sustain systems of support for the network?

  • Address our lack of capacity to go in-depth with initiatives that support nodes, working groups, and members. How does the generalization of our roles impact our ability to engage?

  • Create a clearer understanding of staff in relation to Steering Committee Support.

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